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    • Steel coil 55% Al-Zn coated steel import, South Korean-made, ddp Gulf Ports, $/cwt
    • Zorba 95/5, cif India, cif India, $/tonne
    • Aluminium scrap, old sheet (Taint/Tabor), cut sheared, 5-8% attachments, cif India, $/tonne

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    What’s happening in the metals market?

    This development has led to a tightening market supply and bullish sentiment among traders, despite the immediate aftermath not showing a price hike

    The global decarbonization drive is turning electrical steel into one of China’s key ferrous products, with electrical steel exports surging in recent years, sources told Fastmarkets

    Fastmarkets has corrected the pricing rationale for MB-AL-0302 aluminium 6063 extrusion billet premium, ddp North Germany (Ruhr region), $/tonne, which was published incorrectly on Friday April 19. No prices were corrected.

    China’s National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) will work with relevant parties to regulate crude steel production, with a focus on energy saving and reducing carbon emissions. It will also release guidance on crude steel output for different steel mills later this year after a national investigation on steel capacity

    The low-carbon aluminium differential in the US made its first move on Friday April 5 since Fastmarkets launched it five months ago.

    Fastmarkets proposes to amend the specifications of five of its steel products assessments and billet index originating from the Black Sea basin.

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